Here’s my story…

Ciao! I’m Janine: wife, mother, dog-lover, foodie, travel enthusiast, pickle-ball player, Human Resources Leader, Transformational Coach and planner extraordinaire, driven by the power of connection and passionate about my family, friends and exploring my Italian heritage. As a third generation Italian, whenever I’m in Italy my senses come alive and I feel like I am home. I bring guests together in Tuscany so they too can explore, savor and connect with this beautiful country that is full of art, history, delicious food, great wine and friendly people.

I’ve been planning memorable vacations since my early twenties, renting Summer beach houses on the Jersey Shore with my girlfriends. Together in Tuscany is the result of many years of crafting and experiencing memorable trips in the US and abroad, and, of course, my very own magical Tuscany villa vacation. Tuscany’s picturesque landscapes, historic charm and renowned culinary delights, provides the perfect backdrop for a trip you will treasure forever.

What started as a side-hustle, has become my obsession, and I couldn’t be happier! I am drawn to everything Italy! After working in a corporate job for a very long time, I felt that a transformation was in order. I decided to re-invent myself and fully immerse in my passions of coaching others and traveling to Italy. I have been reinvesting in relationships, forming new partnerships, making new friends, learning new things, and, most of all, fulfilling my desire for connection, growth and well-being. So, here I am, not only making your dreams come true, but mine as well!

I can’t wait to meet you and show you around Tuscany!